

This section shows the set of Visual Tools we offer.


Here we offer E-books and Posters with the aim of stimulating a daily practice of connection with your Inner World.

The tools are also very practical, aimed not only at accelerating your advancement on your Soul Mission path, but also enabling you to resolve practical and mundane issues and improve your happiness, well-being, peace, abundance, purpose, etc.

E-books and Posters also have a Personalized option, focused on your specific needs, channeled by the Beings of Light who protect and guide you in this life.

Book shelves


Click on the violet button to buy the E-book: 


Healing and Awakening by Contemplation of Images


  Here I offer tools through various types of platforms, where you learn and practice contemplative meditation techniques through channeled images of nature.


  The objective is to provide the learning of a sense of presence, self-knowledge and awareness. Resulting in the balance between your physical body and your Spiritual Self.


  In these exercises you develop the ability to see the world around you through the perception of your            Heart, aware of the Immortal Being that you truly are! This ability consists of neutral, nonjudgmental, compassionate, neutral interaction, perceiving the other as a Soul and not just a physical body; with more intuition and less rationalization.


  Developing contemplative capacity results in incredibly positive changes in your quality of life, such as:

  • Protection of your magnetic field;
  • Understanding and respect from your own humanity (Shadows and Lights);
  • Recognizing the importance of inner silence, of observing patiently, welcoming and without identifying with the emotional roller coaster; and learn to quiet your mind.


  Examples of the power and importance of exercising contemplation to manifest a happier and more prosperous life:

  • “Just contemplate at me, stay calm, watch yourself, be silent and unite with my Heart. So there, withdraw into my Being.”
  • “Sharpen your path in Me, live on My mercy, but listen to the voice of your Heart and ask your Soul what does it need? And seek the Truth in your Spirit.”
  • "Only contemplate me, and empty your Being of all pain."
  • “Just contemplate me and don't worry about the past and the future.”
  • “Just contemplate me and you will live in the eternal present.”
  • “Just contemplate me and your faith will grow like a river and your love will be even bigger than the ocean.”

     (Instructions from Christ Jesus – Channeled on June 6, 2013 – By Trigueirinho)


All this and much more the practice of contemplation results in your day-to-day. In other words, it opens the way for all the infinite wisdom of the Love of the Universe to come through your Inner World to manifest in your outer and material life!


                                               Click on the violet button to buy the E-book:  



Click on the violet button to contemplate and choose the posters offered


Healing and Awakening by Contemplation of Images


  Through the contemplation of posters, you learn techniques of contemplative meditation through images channeled from the energies of nature.


  The objective is to provide the learning of the sense of presence, self-knowledge and awareness.                Resulting in the balance between your physical vehicle and your Spiritual Self.


  Through these posters, you can create a sacred space/memento of contemplation and vibrational elevation, connecting you to your Soul. Where do you find the haven of your Heart's Love and Wisdom; experiencing moments of peace, serenity and clarity for their day-to-day decisions and choices.

  You can use it as a screensaver for your cell phone, notebook and tablet. And you can also have the poster printed in a frame to hang in some special, sacred space, in that corner where you feel good, at home, for example.


  Developing contemplative capacity results in incredibly positive changes in your quality of life, such as:

  • Protection of your magnetic field;
  • Understanding and respect from your own humanity (Shadows and Lights);
  • Recognizing the importance of inner silence, of observing patiently, welcoming and without identifying with the emotional roller coaster; and learn to quiet your mind.


  Examples of the power and importance of exercising contemplation to manifest a happier and more prosperous life:

  • “Just contemplate at me, stay calm, watch yourself, be silent and unite with my Heart. So there, withdraw into my Being.”
  • “Sharpen your path in Me, live on My mercy, but listen to the voice of your Heart and ask your Soul what does it need? And seek the Truth in your Spirit.”
  • "Only contemplate me, and empty your Being of all pain."
  • “Just contemplate me and don't worry about the past and the future.”
  • “Just contemplate me and you will live in the eternal present.”
  • “Just contemplate me and your faith will grow like a river and your love will be even bigger than the ocean.”

     (Instructions from Christ Jesus – Channeled on June 6, 2013 – By Trigueirinho)


All this and much more the practice of contemplation results in your day-to-day. In other words, it opens the way for all the infinite wisdom of the Love of the Universe to come through your Inner World to manifest in your outer and material life!




        Click on the violet button to contemplate and choose the posters offered:  


Personalized E-books and Posters

Click on the violet button to book a Personalized E-book/Poster session:

Personalized E-books and Posters

Healing and Awakening by Contemplation of Images


  Posters and E-books also have a personalized option, focused on your specific healing and awakening needs.

Personalization takes place through the channeling of messages and images that will be captured, under the guidance of the Beings of Light who protect and guide you in this life.


How do I purchase the poster and/or personalized e-book?

First you have to schedule an online meeting via Zoom, where you can ask questions about the benefits of the custom option.


The meeting duration is up to 30 minutes.


Click on the violet button to book a Personalized

E-book/Poster session: 


"The first moment I received the psychic reading, I was afraid. I couldn't hear right away. Afraid of what Marcia's keen eye might have seen in me and beyond me. Fear of discovery.

Would it be good or bad?? Why me?? There were so many questions that I put off listening. Until I decided to launch myself. I closed my eyes and listened.


I thought right away: how can we not even have been together for so many years and she knows so much about me?? Where does this clarity come from??

What an amazing experience. Unique.

What an inspiring intuition, my God, Marcia has. I say inspiring because, in the passages where I didn't recognize myself, I saw a huge desire to be the beautiful way she sees me.

If it weren't all there so intimate, so mine, I would share here several excerpts in which I got emotional and cried. I wanted to say many things, but for the sake of the privacy that this spiritual help promises and fulfills, I will focus on what I cannot fail to record: Márcia's enormous sensitivity, her genuine willingness to serve and help, when nothing was asked of her.


And I have to thank for the insights I got from listening, for the memories her voice evoked in my ancient soul. What a gift and what a privilege to have been chosen for this psychic reading.


Thank you very much."

Bianka Carvalho 


Recife - Brazil

Purple flower

     "Marcia is very gifted and talented.

     Through her reading I understood better the blockages that limit the flow of more joy and abundance in my life.

     I gained knowledge, confidence and practical advice to overcome those blockages.

     She is accurate and perceived even details about particular dynamics in my relationships.

     She gave me advice and clarity from my angels and guides, which was exactly what I needed to make a step forward.


     I really recommend to have a session with Marcia because not only you will be helped but you will feel uplifted in your vibration during the session and after that and hopeful as Marcia is a fountain of joy herself!


Thank you Marcia!"

Karolina Polychronopoulou 


Athens - Greece

Yellow flower

     "This therapy (psychic reading) brings us, in a light and fast way, a simple form of awareness of our path. And that brought me feelings of pacification of my internal conflicts."

Vânia Barreto 


Frieburg - Alemanha

Yellow flower